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Artistic Form:

How traditional symmetrical patterns match color are better combined with graffiti elements, how the use of different materials makes the picture look fuller is what I need most in my art work, and it is also the direction that will continue to be explored.

Traditional art patterns are a classic and ultimate art in my cognition. Brilliant color schemes and patterns with strong ethnic characteristics give a sense of enlightenment and mission, especially symmetrical patterns. Whether it's Chinese paper-cuts, European church murals, or African Totem art, symmetrical patterns appear in traditional art patterns around the world. The ancients used symmetrical patterns to express the self-consciousness of the universe and humans. I think that human life is cyclical, from birth to adult to aging, and eventually return to the soil. Symmetrical patterns are like human life, mysterious and reciprocating, and like the universe, beyond the existence of time and space, seem to carry too much information from the past and the future that needs to be conveyed to others. But I hope that this information is simple and intuitive, so that people who mature still feel simple and moving. Graffiti has this simple power. Combine graffiti with traditional symmetrical patterns to convey my thoughts on the world.


Chinese traditional paper-cut 1


​Chinese traditional paper-cut 2


​Graffiti 1


​Graffiti 2


My work: Painting series 2017

This painting combines artistic form of paper-cut and my imagination that expressed by graffiti.

 In the field of art, many graffiti artists are constantly trying to find their own artistic style through fusion to express their deep thinking about the world.


​Kaith Haring and Grayson Perry's work


In the previous works, I pay more attention to the effect and form, with the deep meaning of the work. After determining the theme, I will think about how to make the form of the picture stronger to enhance the effect of the work. For example, I will deliberately create some stream effects, deliberately leave some places that are not color and avoid the full color to make the art work look clumsy.


My work: Peace ideology series 2014

The research on the effect of the picture,  the sense of form and the expression of the profound theme in a simple way are my previous research directions.

《和平意识形态11》 综合材料 2014 100cmx80cm.jpg
《和平意识形态10》 综合材料 2014 100cmx80cm.jpg
《和平意识形态7》 综合材料 2014 100cmx80cm.jpg

​Try to use materials of plastic, rope, wood and so on to seek best visual effect.

Now I pay more attention to the emotions and temperament behind the art work. Sometimes the clumsiness is pure, the theme is not necessarily deep but my favourite even if it is my daily life. On the art work, the rigorous symmetrical pattern and bright colors make the casual graffiti look richer and  fuller. I will also use more different materials to fill the picture with more possibilities. For example, ropes, plastics even wood, all of elements which make the picture more natural and full.


My work: Dream 2018

In my recent work, I prefer to express everyday things that happen around me, such as what happened today, what happened, or what emotions and feelings I have, and I will express them through my work. This work combines some of my dreams and everyday life. The quality of recent sleep is not very good. I always dream of some strange things, such as monsters in stone birds, and I will remember very clearly after waking up. I think these dreams are very interesting, so I draw the fragments I remember. I think this is also a practice and exploration of expressing one's own feelings.


I also tried different, fresh materials during the painting process, such as the texture of the paper ball, the details of the pencil.


My work: Untitled 2018-2019

This is a set of unfinished works, there are two other boards of the same size. The reason why the choice of wood is a coincidence. At that time, I was going to use these planks as a palette, then I suddenly felt that it was very interesting to draw directly on the board. It was full of natural atmosphere and decided to draw directly on the board.


The picture uses a symmetrical form and bright colors like traditional Chinese art paper-cutting. It combines contemporary elements such as collage, different materials and graffiti to express my imagination of nature. It also includes elements of daily life: for example, what I saw when I traveled with friends last month.

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