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​Artist Statement 3



In today's society, globalization has brought countries together and promoted the progress of society and the development of human, science and technology. With rapid development, new things are emerging, and new technologies can eliminate old technologies at any time. But tradition has always been a thing that is not outdated in human society, because people now need to learn new concepts from traditional experience. In the field of art, people create new concepts that combine new technologies such as AI and traditional art, in line with the development of the times. My current actions are: to combine tradition and contemporary in my own way, and to further explore the future direction of art.

In my previous work, I repositioned the value of traditional art forms in contemporary art. I believe that in the combination of tradition and contemporary, tradition should play a supporting role, and its value should not be greater than the value of the artist's own ideas. On the basis of this idea, I tried to express my own ideas and used some traditional art forms as an aid to create the work ‘Trip’. After that, some questions were raised: Can traditional patterns form be integrated into all contemporary art forms? Not even limited to art works, is it feasible to interact with art work in the exhibition space? Trying to make a breakthrough in my own way of expression, breaking the boundaries between picture and space. So in the new work, I used different materials to distinguish between time and space; Different colors are used to express the clarity of the memory and the mood state, combined with some simple and pure traditional artistic expressions to make the work richer and more humanity. In contemporary works of art that require complex theoretical support, I hope to return to the charm of art itself.

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